Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fast Accounts Receivable Factoring

Top 10 Attributes:

1. Lightning fast underwriting
2. Low effective rates
3. No personal guaranty
4. No term requirement
5. No volume requirement
6. No blanket lien filings
7. Non-recourse
8. Soft debtor notifications
9. No client invoice limits
10. Clients retain control of invoicing process

As a mid-size factor, we pride ourself on our ability to be responsive. We know that's important to our clients and referral sources. Everyone craves timely response and we deliver.

We don't get wrapped up in a corporate culture requiring signoff authority, appraisal files, and committee meetings once per week. Instead, our principals meet daily to review client needs and prospective applicants. Once a complete application is submitted to us, we will deliver a conclusive answer within 24 hours.

No one can promise a positive response to every applicant, but we can promise a very prompt response to every request. Our partners and clients appreciate that. They all have businesses to run, and timely information is a requirement for successful business these days.

Email us today at with your requests.

Thank you.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Initial Funding: $50,000 for a Security Guard Services Firm

We had a security guard service that was experiencing tremendous growth, but felt the constraints of managing a growing business. Their biggest challenge was a lack of cash flow. Without access to additional cash, they would lose guards and customers, and be forced to turn away new business. Their short time in business and an absence of strong financials caused them to be turned down by their local Small Business Development Center (SBDC) for an SBA loan. They were referred to us for an alternative solution.

Our first step was to help the owner locate the services necessary to get his firm's financials in shape. Our accommodating measures at the onset of the deal encouraged standard accounting practices and strengthened the company's financial position.
At the same time, we presented the firm with a customized Flex factoring program. Our program met the security firm's cash management needs, and also took into account the owner's hesitancy to sign a personal guarantee.

If you need your cash now, let us know what industry your company is in and the invoicing volume if possible.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Initial Funding: $500,000

As you may know, not all family-owned businesses are passed down from one generation to the next. In this case of a rapidly-growing distributor, ownership was passed down from the son to the father. The experienced father sought additional ways to capitalize the fast-growing business and also wanted to lower the costs involved in boosting credit controls and accounts receivable record-keeping needed to manage the expected 40% increase in growth.
Within a month of acquiring the business, the dad contacted us to arrange a factoring relationship. After talking to us, he was impressed with our flexibility, particularly our no term agreement program. With our help, he not only got the cash he needed to support his rapidly-growing business, but he was also able to efficiently utilize our credit support features and accounting capabilities.

So, if you need a fast solution, email us now at and let us know what industry your company is in and the invoicing volume if possible. Thank you.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Factoring For A Temporary Staffing Firm for Building and Construction

The initial funding for this client was $100,000 and was for a staffing firm in Florida. This business specialized in the temporary placement of building and construction personnel, which saw a major upswing in business in the months following Hurricane Wilma.

Always believing that too much business was a good thing, the owners soon found themselves struggling to keep up with demand. What they needed was capital to support new personnel, and they needed it quickly.

We quickly evaluated their financial situation and structured a financing program that met their growing needs.

With our quick capital solution, the company was able to secure the resources they needed to meet their nearly tripled volume.

If you need a fast solution, email us now at and let us know what industry your company is in and the invoicing volume if possible. Thank you.


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Factoring with Initial Funding of $85,000

Here Is Another Example From a Financial Compliance Auditing Firm Client:

Client's Problem:

The one limitation for this financial compliance and auditing firm was their access to capital. They had all the makings of success including a solid customer base, an array of value added services and an experienced staff. Only one obstacle remained that they had to deal with and that was they needed cash to grow.

Our Solution:

After evaluating the firm's financial position, we structured a factoring solution that addressed the firm's cash flow needs. The president of the firm obtained a financing program that would allow her to cover growing operating expenses plus she got it without having to mortgage her family's wealth with a personal guaranty.
If you wish to have your accounts receivable paid with 24 - 48 hours, contact us at now! And please let us know what industry your company is in and the invoicing volume if possible.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Factoring Can Mean More Capital for Your Venture.

How Our Factoring Saved A Company...

For one company, the loss of 2 big clients meant severe problems for the owners of a small machine tool company.

Not only did losing out to a competitor's underbidding hurt corporate morale, it also put major stress on the company's financial position. Customer revenues were down over 49% and the bank was considering foreclosure. Bankruptcy was getting ready to rear its ugly head!

What was the solution?

Within 5 days, we presented the company with a factoring program that elevated cash flow issues.

In addition, we set up a forbearance agreement with the bank by agreeing to provide 3rd party payment discipline.

If you wish to have your accounts receivable paid with 24 - 48 hours, contact us at now!

Note: We need to know what industry your company is in and the invoicing volume if possible.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Factoring is simple and provides your business with quick cash....

Let's consider a software company who has just delivered $100,000 of software to a major computer manufacturer.

Instead of waiting the typical payment period of 60-90 days or more, the software company might factor the invoice with us and receive between $70,000 - $85,000 (read on) within 24 hours!

That company could then use the cash to fund a marketing campaign for a new software release, or simply pay off some outstanding debt.

As soon as the computer manufacturer remits payment, and the payment is cleared by us, the software company will receive the remaining value of the invoice minus the factor's fee.

It does not get much simpler (of faster) than that. So of you need your cash now, let us know what industry your company is in and the invoicing volume if possible.

Larry @

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What is Accounts Receivable Factoring?

It is a form of financing where a business such as yours, sells its accounts receivable to a company like ours known as a factor. Once a business sells its invoices or accounts receivable, the business immediately receives cash for a percentage (normally 70-85%) of the invoice. The remainder, less the financier's fee, is paid to the seller when the full invoice payment is received and cleared by the factor.

Contact us at  if you are ready to sell your invoices for cash now instead of waiting 60 - 90 days!

Please let us know what industry your are in and volume that you do. Thanks.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Factoring with No Personal Guaranties

For years, borrowers have been conditioned to expect to provide their personal guaranty whenever they obtain funding for their business. To most, it is like that is the basic 'rule of the road' to obtain funding. But we have successfully changed this paradigm! We do not require it.

It only stands to reason that if a factor is funding legitimate invoices payable by credit-worthy debtors, there should never be any guaranty required. To guard against loss, we perform due-diligence on its client, their history, and their business practices. We also review incremental funding requests, but unlike our competition, we do not seek additional comfort through a personal guaranty.

So, we have chosen to lead the industry by not requiring personal guaranties as a matter of practice.  While there may occasionally be circumstances that require a PG, those circumstances are extremely rare for us.  The benefit to you is obvious and substantial.

We are the "no personal guaranty" factor!

Contact us at if you are ready to sell your invoices for cash now instead of waiting 60 - 90 days!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

What is Factoring and How Can It Help Your Business?

Factoring might be called a flexible form of financing that is a situation where one business sells its accounts receivable, called invoices, to a 3rd party, which is a factoring firm, for a discount in exchange for immediate cash.

This is not a loan, but rather the purchase of a financial asset, the "receivable".

Factoring firms base their primary credit decision on the credit worthiness of the party obligated to pay the invoice, not you, the client. In this manner, factors can provide needed funding to small and mid-size businesses that are normally overlooked by banks and other financiers.

The value of the invoice purchases is based on the business’ receivables and not primarily on the business’ credit worthiness, a key point to financing options available to your business and your success.

A once well known bakery in Illinois where I was a traffic manager in the 80's used factoring after they landed the K-Mart account which had 2200+ stores at the time. K-Mart was very slow in paying the invoices which was a financial strain on our company, so we employed factoring and resolved the situation quickly!

Send your requests to us now at

Thank you.


Friday, August 29, 2014

How to Factor like a Pro! Learn how to get the most for your money fast!

Are you presently factoring, or thinking of factoring receivables as a means to raise cash or improve your cash flow?

Many businesses, like yours, use factoring as a financial tool if they have significant upfront expenses, high-product or service costs, seasonal fluctuations or timing imbalances amongst expenditures.

However, at an average cost between 3 and 7 percent of receivables, factoring is not for every business, only those with sufficient margins to absorb the costs.

So, before you take another step, let us help you FACTOR LIKE A PRO by providing the inside information you need to get the best factoring agreement for your business.

Send your requests to us now at

Thank you.

Larry Potter